Frequently asked questions

Can I import my data from my old software?

While we can’t do a direct import to our database due to differences in software we offer an importing service to do it for you! We offer the first 50 clients imported completely free of charge!

Is there an app that I can download?

We've got PAWesome apps both for walkers and clients. They include several important features such as GPS tracking!

We also offer a robust mobile platform with all of our features available through your phone, tablet or computer!

What happens if I want to cancel?

You will keep all existing calendars and client information but will be unable to create any new ones!

Does Doxford work with other currencies?

Yes. You can set any currency in your Company Settings.

Do I have to sign a contract?

Not at all! We offer our simple plan system with no commitments or hassle!

Can I try the software before I fully commit?

Absolutely! We offer not just a demo but a risk free 7 day trial on us! You can cancel anytime!

Is it hard to learn and use Doxford? I’m not a computer expert!

Not at all! We have made every part of our software easy to use and intuitive!

Do you charge a setup fee? Are there any hidden or special fees?

Not at all! Our simple plans are the only costs to our software!

Do you charge any special hidden fees with Doxford?

Not at all! Our simple plans are the only costs to our software!

Do you offer support?

Yes! We offer email support!

Simplify and Grow your Pet Care Business with Doxford
No credit card. Cancel anytime.